Wheel Thrown Pottery Classes- Alaska Home School Group- Thursday February 20th at 5:30pm

Description of the Course- In this course my goal is to teach students the techniques of wheel thrown pottery but also to learn about the science behind the materials and firing process. Each week’s class will be followed by a homework assignment that consists of watching a video describing ancient pottery techniques, modern pottery techniques, and interviews with professional potters. The videos will be followed by basic questions that highlight the important lessons these videos teach. 

Homework will be due when students come to class the following session.  At which time we will discuss what we learned. Homework will also consist of assignments that each contain pottery vocabulary.  All projects from class will be fired together in one firing, students will be helping to load the kiln, learning about the parts of the kiln, and learning the programming of the kiln. Each class is $75 per student for the two-hour session with supplies. An hour of homework will follow each class. We will be making two to three projects per class with total of 10 to 15 projects per student. These will be a combination of wheel thrown and hand-built projects. This includes all firing, glazing, and instruction. 

We will also be learning about glazing techniques, mishaps, and different types of glazes like underglazes and colored clays. We would also like students to keep a “pottery journal” describing their experience in class, what they learned, what was difficult, and for sketching ideas for projects